Zerilo Dell'Antonio Bora
Zerilo Dell'Antonio Bora was a sculptor, coin maker and teacher. He learned the art of wood carving in the workshops of Val Gardena’s great masters, such as Josef Moroder Lusenberg. As a result of receiving prizes and high praise for his artwork, he obtained the post of director of the Kunstgewerbliche Fachschule Holzschnitzschule von Bruce-Stiftung in Bad Warmbrunn, today Cieplice in Poland, which became the first Meisterschule in the German area in 1937. Dell’Antonio took part in the Paris World Exhibition in 1925, as well as other international exhibitions in Rome and St. Louis. He undertook private and religious commissions, large works for altars and some works of art for the Moena church. Following the Soviet invasion in Silesia, he moved to Ehrang near Trier. The German Federal Government awarded him the Gold Medal for artistic crafts in 1970.