Modesto y Ugo Demenego
Year of birth
1896 - 1900
Year of death
1982 - 1991
Modesto and Ugo Demenego, also known by their nickname Kaiser, were famous copper, silver and wrought iron artists in the 1940s. They were sons of a family of artisans who had learnt this art in the filigree school in Cortina. Beginning with small objects, they gradually specialised in the production of large handicrafts, which are now on display at the Museo de ra Regole. In order not to be copied by others, they signed and dated their pieces with the signature MUDemenego. Their creations are wonderful and full of fantasy precisely because of their great imagination. The collections of insect and reptile sculptures (beetles, flies, lizards, snakes and spiders) are particularly intriguing.