Christian Ferdigg
Member of the associations Ert por i Ladins (EPL) and Südtiroler Autorinnen- und Autorenvereinigung (SAV), Christian Ferdigg studied modern literature in Verona and theology in Assisi. He teaches in middle and high schools across Val Badia. He produces simple lyrical poetry in free verse, and his key themes include peace, freedom and love. They are characterized by a deep religious feeling. He publishes in Ladin, German and Italian - and sometimes English. His published works include vom tag & traum, Chë picia löm, Sulle ali dell’amore and La löm y l’anterbanch.
Che Te florësces
tla löm de mi edli,
mio Signur,
la strada
chëra é chëra
che Tö m’as scrit dant.
Mögest Du blühen
im Lichte meiner Augen,
mein Herr,
der Weg
ist der
den Du mir vorgeschrieben hast.
Christian Ferdigg, La löm y l’anterbanch, 2015, Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü