Angelo Trebo
The linchpin of Ladin literature, Trebo was one of the first Ladin poets that intended to create literature. His compositions are no traditional second-hand ditties, but literary works featuring romantic themes including death, pain, nature, solitude and love. He died of pneumonia in 1888 before completing his teacher training studies. Trebo produced 27 poems and two theatrical pieces Le ciastel dles stries and Le scioz da San Jênn.

Ala net
Net tan dejidrada, vi!
Vi, o regno scür dai semi!
Vi con töa pêsc dal ci!
Tèmo sö te tü bi gremi!
Stopa con to velo grisc
düć chisc gragn tormonć dla vita!
Pôrtemo t’en bel paîsc,
co ligrëzes inće pîta!
Döt le bel spo ôi somié;
da zacan spo les ligrëzes
dötes ôi alerch cherdé,
desmonćé m’ôi les tristëzes.
A.Trebo, 1988, Poesíes, Helga Dorsch-Craffonara
R. Bernardi, P.Videsott, 2014, Geschichte der ladinischen Literatur; bu,press, Bolzano