The group Ruscel split off from the Lia Mostra d’Ert, the association for artists, in 1953 and initially called themselves Grupa di 13. The Ruscel group initially presented their works in the Dolomiti cinema and later in the hall where the post office is located today. The Ruscel group was officially founded in 1957 by Guido Dauru, Gottfried Moroder, Rudolf Moroder Rudolfine, Viktor Moroder, Luis Piazza, Mili Schmalzl, and Adolf Vallazza. Also present from the beginning were Josef Kostner, David Moroder, Raimund Mureda, and Rudolf Moroder de Gottfried. Later, Edmund Moroder, Finy Martiner, Gottfried Moroder junior, Bruno Vallazza, Karl Vallazza, and Markus Vallazza joined the group. Every year, the Ruscel group organized solo and group exhibitions as well as exhibitions abroad, such as in Florence, Munich, Stuttgart, or Innsbruck.